2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

39. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES (CONTD.) b. Liquidity risk (contd.) Analysis of financial instruments by remaining contractual maturities (contd.) T he table below summarises the maturity profile of the Group’s and the Company’s liabilities at the reporting date based on contractual undiscounted repayment obligations. (contd.) Company 2020 RM’000 On demand or within one year One to five years More than five years Total Financial liabilities: Other payables (Note 28) 78,374 101,636 – 180,010 Lease liabilities 7,179 27,399 277 34,855 Loans and borrowings: - ICPs 50,000 – – 50,000 - IMTNs 12,125 256,046 – 268,171 Total undiscounted financial liabilities 147,678 385,081 277 533,036 Company 2019 RM’000 On demand or within one year One to five years More than five years Total Financial liabilities: Other payables (Note 28) 75,819 98,226 – 174,045 Lease liabilities 9,002 15,976 63 25,041 Loans and borrowings: - ICPs 50,000 – – 50,000 - IMTNs 12,059 268,171 – 280,230 Total undiscounted financial liabilities 146,880 382,373 63 529,316 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 291 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8