2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

38. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Classification of financial instruments The principal accounting policies in Note 2.4 describe how the classes of financial instruments are measured, and how income and expenses, including fair value gains and losses, are recognised. The following table analyses the financial assets and liabilities in the statements of financial position by the class of financial instrument to which they are assigned, and therefore by the measurement basis: Group 2020 RM’000 FVTPL Amortised cost Total Assets Trade receivables, net (Note 20) – 342,483 342,483 Concession receivable (Note 20) – 132,843 132,843 Other receivables, net (Note 20) – 38,886 38,886 Cash, bank balances and deposits (Note 23) – 678,002 678,002 Short term investments (Note 22) 11,799 – 11,799 Total financial assets 11,799 1,192,214 1,204,013 Total non-financial assets 1,603,340 Total assets 2,807,353 Liabilities Trade payables (Note 28) 386,950 386,950 Other payables (Note 28) 283,644 283,644 Lease liabilities (Note 34) 37,575 37,575 Borrowings (Note 27) 483,154 483,154 Total financial liabilities 1,191,323 1,191,323 Total non-financial liabilities 106,768 Total liabilities 1,298,091 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 285 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8