2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

18. OTHER INVESTMENTS Group and Company RM’000 2020 2019 Equity instruments (unquoted shares in Malaysia) 1,200 1,200 Less: Accumulated impairment losses (1,200) (1,200) Unquoted shares, net – – Club memberships 232 272 232 272 19. INVENTORIES Group RM’000 2020 2019 Consumables 14,507 13,589 Properties held for sale 63,358 120,184 77,865 133,773 During the year, the amounts of inventories recognised as expenses in cost of sales of the Group for consumables and properties held for sale were RM166.8 million and RM56.8 million (2019: RM90.5 million and RM25.2 million) respectively. The expenses for properties held for sale during the year included RM50.0 million being properties held for sale written down to their net realisable value. ANNUAL REPORT 2020 253 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8