2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

17. INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATES Group RM’000 2020 2019 Unquoted shares, at cost: In Malaysia 5,730 6,122 Outside Malaysia 6,082 6,082 11,812 12,204 Share of post-acquisition reserves 81,099 70,587 Less: Dividend received (7,708) (5,786) 85,203 77,005 On 15 October 2020, Operon Consulting Sdn. Bhd., an indirect 70% subsidiary of the Company, had disposed its entire 49% equity interest in Operon Asset Advisory Sdn. Bhd. for a cash consideration of RM58,199, and accordingly, a gain of disposal of RM58,199 is recognised. Further details of the associates are disclosed in Note 43. S ummarised financial information of Faber Sindoori Management Services Private Limited (“Faber Sindoori”), Biomedix Solutions Sdn. Bhd. (“Biomedix”), One Medicare Sdn. Bhd. (“One Medicare”) and Sedafiat Sdn. Bhd. (“Sedafiat”), that are material associates of the Group are set out below. The summarised financial information represents the amounts in the MFRS financial statements of the associates and not the Group’s share of those amounts. i. Summarised statements of financial position Faber Sindoori Biomedix One Medicare Sedafiat Total RM’000 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 Non-current assets 12,931 8,509 1,941 2,400 10,112 8,620 36,518 31,716 61,502 51,245 Current assets 74,637 65,840 50,661 38,277 81,975 74,215 73,607 59,017 280,880 237,349 Total assets 87,568 74,349 52,602 40,677 92,087 82,835 110,125 90,733 342,382 288,594 Non-current liabilities 8,771 4,213 84 84 636 1,416 6,057 844 15,548 6,557 Current liabilities 15,179 14,782 11,918 5,103 61,332 49,190 48,479 43,404 136,908 112,479 Total liabilities 23,950 18,995 12,002 5,187 61,968 50,606 54,536 44,248 152,456 119,036 Net assets 63,618 55,354 40,600 35,490 30,119 32,229 55,589 46,485 189,926 169,558 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 251 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8