2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

9. DIRECTORS’ REMUNERATION Group Company RM’000 2020 2019 2020 2019 Directors of the Company Executive: Salaries and other emoluments 798 996 798 996 Bonus 708 471 708 471 Contributions to defined contribution plans 219 219 219 219 Allowances 127 140 127 140 Benefits-in-kind 24 39 24 39 1,876 1,865 1,876 1,865 Non-Executive: Fees 1,283 1,287 1,283 1,243 Benefits-in-kind 41 40 41 40 1,324 1,327 1,324 1,283 Total 3,200 3,192 3,200 3,148 Total excluding benefits-in-kind 3,135 3,113 3,135 3,069 Analysis excluding benefits-in-kind: Total executive directors’ remuneration excluding benefits-in-kind (Note 8) 1,852 1,826 1,852 1,826 Total non-executive directors’ remuneration excluding benefits-in-kind (Note 7) 1,283 1,287 1,283 1,243 Total directors’ remuneration excluding benefits-in-kind 3,135 3,113 3,135 3,069 UEM EDGENTA BERHAD 230 Financial Statements NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2020