2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

8. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EXPENSE Group Company RM’000 2020 2019 2020 2019 Wages and salaries 673,503 660,822 45,165 56,142 Contributions to statutory Employees Provident Fund (“EPF”) 69,885 61,368 6,876 5,830 Social security contributions 2,996 3,029 383 354 Retirement benefit obligations (Note 24) 353 231 – – Decrease in liability for defined benefit pension plan (Note 25) (348) (725) – – Employees’ service entitlements (Note 26(a)) 564 530 – – Other benefits 160,327 131,627 8,295 9,258 Total employees benefits recognised in profit or loss (Note 7) 907,280 856,882 60,719 71,584 Included in employee benefits expense of the Group and of the Company are executive directors’ remuneration excluding benefits-in-kind amounting to RM1.9 million (2019: RM1.9 million) as further disclosed in Note 9. ANNUAL REPORT 2020 229 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8