2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT All our operations are ultimately geared towards enhancing the quality of life. This has placed people and communities at the heart of UEM Edgenta, and drives us to perform to the best of our ability as we recognise that what we do, and how we do it, affects many lives around us. By extension of serving the community through our operations, we believe in playing our role in creating greater social equity and filling the gaps in communities that are marginalised or underserved. Our Corporate Responsibility Policy outlines our priorities and strategic focus areas in managing engagements with our stakeholders, including communities. This Policy is supported by adequate controls, including SOPs and guidelines to ensure our commitment towards achieving triple bottom line goals are aligned with global expectations relating to ESG. We focus on three areas in which we believe we could have the greatest impact, namely: • Education – particularly Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (“STEM”) initiatives which serve as a foundation for broad-based innovation in key areas of life • Science, Technology and Innovation • Community Development – assisting B40 communities COVID-19 CARE Due to the social restrictions imposed in 2020, some of our ongoing community programmes had to be postponed. However, UEM Edgenta more than compensated by giving our all to national efforts to combat the pandemic, as well as to provide financial and other forms of relief to society. Our contributions included the following: 1. Developed the Epidemic Management System for MoH Malaysia and the National Crisis Preparedness & Response Centre. This cloud-based healthcare information system connects all hospitals and quarantine centres nationwide for efficient administration of critical resources. 2. Donated 30 ventilators and 30 patient monitoring systems to MoH Malaysia for front line use. 3. Built hybrid ICUs with MoH Malaysia to help meet demand for ICU beds. 4. Provided vital biomedical equipment and logistics capabilities to MERCY Malaysia and the Malaysian Red Crescent Society to support COVID-19 patient care efforts in Sabah. 5. Provided financial assistance to all our essential front line employees in the Healthcare Support division and aid in their safety & well-being during the pandemic. 6. Organised ‘Happy Staff, Happy Customer’ events at three hospitals to celebrate front line employees who went beyond the call of duty in supporting our clients during the pandemic. 7. Launched ‘Prihatin Line ’, an open communications platform for our essential service front liners to engage directly with the management. UEM EDGENTA BERHAD 166 Sustainability Report SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT