2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

HEALTH & SAFETY At UEM Edgenta, safety is a non-negotiable priority. Nothing is more important to us than to keep our people safe at all times. While putting in place robust safety frameworks and providing all the necessary training, we also seek to create a culture of safety where every employee takes responsibility for his/her own safety as well as that of others. In 2018, we introduced the concept of ‘Goal Zero’ where we strive towards zero work-related accidents, injuries or illnesses not just among our employees, but also employees of our partners and contractors across the supply chain. Our ultimate goal is for everyone to go home safe to their loved ones at the end of every working day. To promote a safe work environment, we have in place a HSSE Policy which is supported by a HSSE Management System comprising HSSE Rules, SOPs and processes. To manage and monitor our safety performance, we have also implemented a HSSE Management Information System. In 2018, we launched a 3-year HSSE Master Plan, themed ‘Safety Focused’, which outlined 25 major projects to further enhance our safety ecosystem. The management took the lead in driving these projects by conducting site visits and demonstrating visible leadership in inculcating a safety culture. Their involvement, and the numerous programmes organised to reinforce safety messages as well as to equip our people with the skills to carry out their functions safely, brought about a positive mindset change within the Company. This contributed to our best safety performance in 2020. 378 days without fatal incident as at 31 December 2020* 60 days without needle prick incident as of 31 December 2020 1.7 injury rate compared to 2.8 in 2019 112,347 employees engaged at different safety touchpoints KEY ACHIEVEMENTS IN 2020 FINANCIAL AID • Under our annual zakat funds management programme, we provided financial assistance to 1,157 employees in the Asnaf Miskin category. • We also provided special tokens of gratitude totalling approximately RM1.3 million to more than 4,000 of our essential front liners in Healthcare Support as a sign of appreciation for their contributions towards the fight against COVID-19. SAFETY AMID COVID-19 The pandemic reinforced our safety & health imperative and inspired the establishment of a COVID-19 Resource Centre in our internal company portal. All communications related to COVID-19 by the Company is housed in this resource centre for easy reference by employees. We also launched the Gensuite Digital HSSE Management System, a new virtual platform that enhances the effectiveness of our incidence reporting procedures. With Gensuite, we are also able to track and monitor all COVID-19 cases digitally via a Pandemic Data Access module. Improved compliance, evidenced by reduced number of incidents HSSE’s skill pool are excited & motivated New e-PTW system as part of HSSE’s digital ecosystem which generated positive reviews from clients COVID-19 Response Tools rated commendable by CIDB and DOSH auditors. KEY HIGHLIGHTS IN 2020 * From 19 December 2019 until 31 December 2020 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 163 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8