2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Summary of Risk Management Activities Risk management activities that were undertaken at both the Company and subsidiary levels to instil a proactive risk management culture and ownership are as follows: • Periodic risk awareness briefing, risk identification and mitigating action plans workshops are conducted as continuous efforts to inculcate proactive risk-aware culture within the Group. • Risk Management Status Reports are produced quarterly at the minimum and are presented to the RMC, BGRC and Board for deliberation and approval. • Quarterly review and monitoring implementation of risk action plans by the Risk Management team. • Identification and reporting of emerging risks and mitigation plans to the RMC, BGRC and Board for deliberation and approval. • Provides Risk Management consultation and advisory services to projects, investment and potential business leads. INTEGRITY & COMPLIANCE Integrity & Compliance are the foundation and values in our day-to-day decision-making and business practices. A BGRC was set up on 1 January 2020 to undertake the integrity & governance activities in addition to the oversight of risk management & compliance matters. The BGRC is chaired by an Independent and Non-Executive Director. UEM Edgenta has the following existing Integrity & Compliance related Framework, Policy & Procedures in relation to integrity & compliance practices: • Code of Conduct The UEM Edgenta Code of Conduct expresses our commitment to build trust in our business ecosystem, and it outlines ethical behaviour standards in our business activities, accompanied by important policy statements. • Code of Conduct for Business Partners The UEM Edgenta Code of Conduct for Business Partners sets the expectations for our dealings with this key stakeholder group. • Compliance Framework The Framework aims to establish and embed the culture of ethics and integrity, consistent with the values of the organisation and promote the culture of commitment to lawful and ethical behaviour. • Whistleblowing Policy and Procedures This Policy and Procedures is to provide an avenue for all employees of UEM Edgenta, third parties employed or engaged by UEM Edgenta, and members of the public to disclose any improper conduct or unethical behaviour, actual or suspected fraud and/or abuse and to provide protection for those who report such allegations. • Third-Party Risk Management Framework This framework is to safeguard the interests of stakeholders by ensuring that third-party risks is adequately and properly managed to mitigate the impact on reputation, operations, and financials of UEM Edgenta. • Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption (“ABAC”) Guide UEM Edgenta takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and is committed to adhering to the highest standards of ethical behaviour in the conduct of all its business dealings and relationships. This is an essential guide to manage bribery and corruption risk. • Investigation Procedure The procedure has established a consistent process to ensure that alleged violations of UEM Edgenta Code of Conduct, policies and procedures, and applicable rules and regulations are assessed and investigated properly, that outcomes are recorded uniformly and in a timely manner, and that any necessary corrective action and/or external reporting is executed appropriately. • Conflict of Interest Declaration Procedure This procedure serves as a guide to making declaration on possible conflict of interest and actions to be taken therefrom. Whistleblowing Reporting Channel UEM Edgenta is committed to the highest standards of professionalism, honesty, integrity, accountability and ethical behaviours in the conduct of its business and operations. A Whistleblowing Policy has been formulated to enable employees of UEM Edgenta and members of the public a platform to report any improper conduct with the Company, in writing via a prescribed Whistleblowing Lodgement Form to the Chairman of the Board, or Chairman of BGRC or email to the Whistleblowing Committee via whistleblowing@edgenta.com . A Whistleblowing Committee was established to ensure investigation is conducted when needed, reviews the investigation report and decides on the next course of action based on the nature of the violation. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 143