2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

INTEGRITY IN CORPORATE REPORTING AND MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH STAKEHOLDERS COMMUNICATION WITH STAKEHOLDERS The Group has been transparent and accountable to its shareholders and investors and recognises the importance of timely dissemination of information to shareholders and other stakeholders. The Board is also committed to ensure that the shareholders and other stakeholders are well informed of major developments of the Company and the information is communicated through the following channels:- • Annual Report; • Various disclosures and announcement to Bursa Securities including quarterly results; • Analyst briefings, press releases and announcements to the media; • Dialogues and presentations at general meetings to provide overview and clear rationale with regard to the proposals tabled for approval by shareholders; • Online investor relations on the Company’s website at www.uemedgenta.com ; and • All announcement made by the Company to Bursa Securities will be posted on the Company’s website at www.uemedgenta.com . The summary of engagements with stakeholders are available on page 94 of this Annual Report. Shareholders may forward any concerns/queries to Investor Relations at ir@edgenta.com and all relevant and appropriate issues raised will be addressed accordingly. The Company’s website has a dedicated section that provides investors with detailed information on the Group’s business, commitments and latest developments. While the Company endeavours to provide as much information as possible to its shareholders and stakeholders, the Company is mindful of the legal and regulatory framework governing the release of material and price-sensitive information. The Company has in place, the Corporate Disclosure Policy which outlines the Company’s approach towards the determination and dissemination of confidential information, the circumstances under which the confidentiality of information will be maintained and restrictions on insider trading. The Corporate Disclosure Policy also provides guidelines in order to achieve consistent disclosure practices across the Group. The Annual Report 2020 was presented based on Integrated Reporting. The Company has fully adopted integrated reporting based on a globally recognised framework. CONDUCT OF GENERAL MEETINGS The Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) is the principal forum for dialogue with shareholders. Shareholders are provided with an opportunity to participate in the question and answer session in which shareholders may raise questions pertaining to the business activities of the Company. The Chairman as well as the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer and the external auditors, if so required, will respond to questions from shareholders at the AGM. With the Code which came into effect on 26 April 2017, Notice of AGM has been given to shareholders at least 28 days prior to the meeting. For the AGM held on 26 June 2020, the Notice of AGM was given to shareholders on 28 May 2020. The meeting which was conducted in its entirety via live streaming and online remote voting at the Broadcasting venue at Menara UEM, was attended by all directors. Besides the Directors, the Senior Management and External Auditors were also in attendance to respond to shareholders queries. This Corporate Governance Overview Statement was approved by the Board on 23 March 2021. ANNUAL REPORT 2020 133 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8