2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

The Remuneration Policy for Non-Executive Directors was reviewed by the NRC and approved by the Board on 8 December 2020, to strengthen the Company’s commitment to attract and retain talented and well-qualified Directors. The policy is available at the Company’s website at www.uemedgenta.com. The Non-Executive Directors are paid a fixed base fee on a quarterly basis. With the recommendation from the NRC, the Board as a whole determines the remuneration for Non-Executive Director with directors concerned abstaining from deliberation or voting on decision in respect of their remuneration. The aggregate amount of Directors’ fee to be paid to Non-Executive Directors is subject to the approval of the shareholders at general meeting. The Directors’ Remuneration Framework are as follows. Details of the quantum of the individual directors’ remuneration on named basis are as set out in the CG Report under Practice 7.1. Directors’ Fees Proposed Directors’ Fee per annum (RM) Chairman Member Board 210,000 108,000 Audit Committee 50,000 30,000 Other Board Committees 25,000 15,000 The benefits payable and accorded to the Directors for FY2020 are:- No. Description Directors’ benefits (a) Allowance will be paid to Directors for the following:- (i) Attending meetings with Government representatives on behalf of the Company; or (ii) Handling operational issues such as site visits to advise operating companies. RM1,000 per day (b) Meeting allowance for ad-hoc or temporary Board Committees established for specific purposes. Per Meeting Chairman of Committee Member of Committee RM2,000 RM1,000 (c) Car allowance for Chairman of UEM Edgenta RM3,400 per month (d) Medical benefits for Board members Where a Director sits on several boards within the UEM Group of Companies, he will be entitled to claim medical benefits from one (1) company only. (i) Medical coverage of RM7,000.00 per annum, inclusive of outpatient, clinical, specialist and dental; and (ii) Hospitalisation of RM100,000.00 per annum including room and board at RM500.00 per day (e) Training and Development of Directors A training budget is allocated for Directors to attend relevant training programmes and seminars to enhance their knowledge and skills in discharging their duties. (f) Directors’ & Officers’ Liability Insurance Directors are covered by Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance maintained throughout the financial year to indemnify directors and officers against any liability incurred by them in the discharge of their duties while holding office as directors and officers of the Company. (g) Subsistence allowance for business travel • Peninsular & East Malaysia – RM150 per day • Overseas – USD125 per day The Board proposed for the discontinuation of Directors’ benefit for item (a). Accordingly, the Company would be seeking shareholders’ approval at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting for the payment of Directors’ benefits for items (b) and (c) of the above table. ANNUAL REPORT 2020 131 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8