2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

BOARD COMPOSITION Ensuring the Right Composition The Board currently has nine (9) members, comprising an Independent Non-Executive Chairman, one (1) Executive Director, three (3) Non-Independent Non-Executive Directors and four (4) Independent Non-Executive Directors. One third (1/3) of the Board comprises of Independent Non-Executive Directors, in compliance with Paragraph 15.02(1) of the Listing Requirements. For year 2020, the Company had 55.56% Independent Non-Executive Directors and 33.33% Women Directors on Board. Board Diversity INDEPENDENCE 56% 44% Independent Non-Independent TENURE ON BOARD 1 6 1 1 <1 year 1-5 years 6-8 years >8 years ETHNICITY 5 2 2 Malay Chinese Others NATIONALITY 9 Malaysian GENDER 67% 33% Male Female AGE 1 4 4 < 50 years 50-60 years 61-70 years UEM EDGENTA BERHAD 128 Governance CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT