2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Directors’ Continuing Education Programmes In order to discharge their responsibilities effectively, continuous education is vital to gain insights into the state of economy, technological advances, regulatory updates and management strategies. Therefore, a specific budget has been allocated for Directors’ training. The Board’s training needs are assessed and identified through the Board Evaluation Assessment. In addition to individual Director’s recommendations on appropriate trainings that will enhance Board effectiveness, the Board is also regularly updated on the availability of external training courses for their consideration by the Company Secretary and the Edgenta Academy team. Besides formal training programmes, the Board is also kept abreast on regulatory updates from the Bursa Malaysia Berhad, Securities Commission Malaysia and the Companies Commission of Malaysia by the Company Secretary. On 21 September 2020, the Risk, Integrity and Compliance Department had invited a guest speaker from Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to share on the Corporate Malaysia’s New Norm arising from the implementation of the Section 17A of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act. During the year under review, the Directors have attended various seminars and training programmes to gain insights into the latest regulatory and industry developments in relation to the Group’s businesses. Technology Business Sustainability Human Capital Risk Management Governance/ Compliance Finance Market Trends BOARD TRAINING HOURS 15 Hours 17 Hours 6 Hours 80.5 Hours 146 Hours 80.5 Hours 43.5 Hours ANNUAL REPORT 2020 127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8