2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Remuneration of Directors • Reviewed and recommended to the Board the remuneration of Executive Directors and Non-Executive Directors in all its forms and to review the Group’s remuneration policies and procedures which should be disclosed in the Annual Report. Board Effectiveness Evaluation • Assessed the Directors annually, the effectiveness of the Board as a whole, the Committees of the Board and the contribution of each individual Director including his/her time commitment to effectively discharge his/her role as a director, character, experience and integrity. All assessments and evaluations carried out by the NRC in the discharge of all its functions were properly documented. Recruitment/Appointment and Succession Planning of Senior Management • Reviewed the character, experience, integrity, competence and time commitment to effectively discharge the roles of Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer. • Reviewed and recommended:- - The proposed succession plans. - The appointment of the Senior Management, including the appointment of Head of Infrastructure Services through internal transfer. - The renewal of employment contract of Senior Management. - The confirmation of Senior Management. Remuneration for UEM Edgenta Group • Reviewed and recommended:- - The 2019 Performance Bonus of the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer and Senior Management. - The proposed 2019 Bonus Pool and proposed annual increment, market adjustment and promotion increment for year 2020. - The 2019 Corporate Scorecard and Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer’s Scorecard. - The proposed 2020 Corporate Scorecard and Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer’s Scorecard. - The revised Annual Increment Distribution Matrix. - The proposed Incentive Plan for Infrastructure Services. - The proposed 2021 Corporate Scorecard and Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer’s Scorecard. • Reviewed and approved the revised Total Remuneration Benefits. Governance/Policy • Reviewed and recommended:- - The new organisation structure. - The revision to Discretionary Authority Limits for People Matters. - The Pre-Screening Employment Policy. - The establishment of Edgenta Management Committee. - The revised Performance Management Framework. - The new core values of the Company. UEM EDGENTA BERHAD 126 Governance CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT