Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

ANNUAL REPORT 2024 91 The Audit Committee of Datasonic Group Berhad (“the Company”) is pleased to present the Audit Committee Report for the financial year ended 31 March 2024 which provides insights into the manner in which the Audit Committee discharged its functions, roles and responsibilities for the Company during the financial year. COMMITTEE REPORT AUDIT COMPOSITION AND ATTENDANCE The Audit Committee comprises of three (3) members with majority being Independent and Non-Executive Directors (“INED”) in compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 15.09 (1) (a) and (b) of the Main Market Listing Requirements (“MMLR”) of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Malaysia”). The Chairman of the Audit Committee, Mr. Yee Kim Shing @ Yew Kim Sing resigned from his position on 2 August 2023 and was replaced by Madam Michelle Yong Voon Sze on the same date. She is a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA), a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA), a member of the Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia (CTIM), a member of ASEAN CPA as well as a Licensed Auditor by the Ministry of Finance which further complies with paragraph 15.09 (1)(c)(i) of the MMLR. The Audit Committee held four (4) meetings during the financial year ended 31 March 2024 and full attendance were recorded for all members except for Madam Michelle Yong Voon Sze who attended three (3) meetings subsequent to her appointment on 2 August 2023. At the same time, two (2) audit committee members, Datin Normaliza binti Kairon and Dato’ Wan Mohd Safiain bin Wan Hasan had resigned from their positions. The attendance of the members at the meetings are as follows :- Audit Committee Members Designation Numbers of meetings attended Mr. Yee Kim Shing @ Yew Kim Sing Chairman, Independent Non-Executive Director 1/1 Madam Michelle Yong Voon Sze Chairman, Independent Non-Executive Director 3/3 Dato’ Wan Ibrahim bin Wan Ahmad Member, Independent Non-Executive Director 4/4 Encik Azrul bin Yahaya Member, Non-Independent Non-Executive Director 4/4 Datin Normaliza binti Kairon Member, Independent Non-Executive Director 1/1 YBhg. Dato’ Wan Mohd Safiain bin Wan Hasan Member, Independent Non-Executive Director 1/1 In compliance with the requirements of paragraph 15.20 of Bursa Securities Listing Requirements and MCCG, the Board reviewed the terms of office and performance of the Audit Committee and each of its members by way of an annual effective evaluation carried out by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee in May 2024. Based on the Nomination and Remuneration Committee’s assessments and recommendations, the Board is satisfied that the Audit Committee and its members have carried out their functions, duties and responsibilities in accordance with its Terms of Reference which supported the Board in ensuring that the Group upholds appropriate Corporate Governance Standards and practices. MEETINGS The Audit Committee meetings were also attended by the representatives of the External Auditors, Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer, Internal Auditors and relevant members of the Management Team to facilitate continuous engagement, direct communication and provide clarification on audit issues, Group’s operations as well as other issues and matters within the terms of reference of the Audit Committee which warranted the attention of the Audit Committee in a timely manner, as applicable. Matters of significant concern raised by the internal and external auditors, if any, were duly conveyed and dealt with by the Audit Committee and/or the Board. Minutes of each Audit Committee meeting were recorded and tabled for confirmation and adoption at the next following Audit Committee meetings and subsequently presented to the Board for notation. The minutes of the Audit Committee meetings which include details of deliberations, decisions and resolutions on the matters brought up in the meetings are properly maintained by the Company Secretary.