Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

05 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE DATASONIC GROUP BERHAD 90 PRINCIPLE C - INTEGRITY IN CORPORATE REPORTING AND MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH STAKEHOLDERS (CONT’D) II. CONDUCT OF GENERAL MEETINGS Encourage shareholders participation at general meetings The Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) and Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company are important platforms for the Directors and senior management to engage with the shareholders to facilitate greater understanding of the Company’s business, governance and performance. The Company’s Fifteenth AGM was held and conducted as a virtual meeting through live streaming from the broadcast venue at the Company’s Registered Office on 2 August 2023, in compliance with Section 327(1) and (2) of the Companies Act, 2016 and Clause 106 of the Constitution of the Company. The virtual AGM supported meaningful engagement between the Board, senior management and shareholders and it also provides an avenue for the shareholders to seek clarification and insights into the operations and financial performance of the Group. The notice of Fifteenth AGM was issued on 3 July 2023 which was more than 28 days prior to the AGM date. Save for Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Khalid bin Abu Bakar and Tan Sri Borhan bin Dolah who were absent at the Fifteenth AGM, all other Board members except Tan Sri Ahmad Zaki Ansore bin Mohd Yusof, Dato’ Wan Ibrahim bin Wan Ahmad, Dato’ Safian bin Mohd Yunus, Dato’ Roseleen binti Buyong and Mr Yee Kim Shing @ Yew Kim Sing who participated virtually via video conferencing, were present at the broadcast venue together with the senior management. The Chairman, who chaired the proceedings, provided fair opportunity and time to all shareholders to exercise their rights to raise questions and make recommendation. The shareholders were invited to post their questions to the Board and Management before and during the Question-and-Answer session of the Fifteenth AGM. The Chairman, the Company Secretaries and the Management were present at the meeting to answer shareholders’ queries and concerns. The Company’s External Auditors participated remotely at the Fifteenth AGM. At the Fifteenth AGM, SS E Solutions Sdn Bhd was appointed as the Poll Administrator to undertake the polling process and Aldpro Corporate Services Sdn Bhd was appointed as the Independent Scrutineers to verify and confirm the poll results. The shareholders and proxy holders were given sufficient time to remotely cast and submit the votes online for the resolutions tabled at the meeting. Upon verification by the Scrutineers, the poll results for each resolution were read out by the Company Secretary, upon which the Chairman declared that the resolutions were carried or not carried, as applicable. The poll results were announced to Bursa Malaysia on the same day, in compliance with the MMLR of Bursa Malaysia. The Minutes of the Fifteenth AGM is also made available on the Company’s website at The Notice of Sixteenth AGM and a Statement to Shareholders in relation to the proposed renewal of share buy-back authority will be issued to the shareholders at least twenty-eight (28) days’ notice to the shareholders prior to the AGM date. The Notice and Agenda will also be published in the newspapers and made available on the Company’s website at In line with the MMLR of Bursa Malaysia, the Company will conduct voting through electronic polling for all the resolutions set out in the Notice of Sixteenth AGM. The Company will appoint an independent scrutineer to perform scrutineering services and to validate the votes cast at the Sixteenth AGM. This Corporate Governance Overview Statement was approved by the Board on 30 May 2024. OVERVIEW STATEMENT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE