Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

ANNUAL REPORT 2024 77 OVERVIEW STATEMENT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRINCIPLE A - BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS (CONT’D) I. BOARD RESPONSIBILITIES (CONT’D) Promoting Good Business Conduct The Board has in place the Code of Conduct and Ethics for Directors (Executive and Non-Executive Directors) which describes the standards of business undertaking and ethical behaviour for Directors in the performance and exercise of their duties and responsibilities as Directors of the Company or when representing the Company. As part of the Group’s commitment against all forms of bribery and corruption, the Company has in place the Anti-Bribery AntiCorruption (“ABAC”) Policy in compliance with the Section 17A of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (“MACC”) Act, 2009 on corporate liability for corruption offences. The Company has in place the Whistleblowing (“WB”) Policy for its Directors and employees of the Group and is designed to provide them with proper internal reporting channels and guidance to disclose any wrongdoing or improper conduct relating to unlawful conducts, inappropriate behaviour, malpractices, any violation of established written policies and procedures within the Group or any action that is or could be harmful to the reputation of the Company and/or compromise the interests of the shareholders, clients and the public without fear of reprisal, victimisation, harassment or subsequent discrimination. In September 2023, the Board and Management attended the ABAC Awareness Training, to ensure they are kept abreast on the latest developments, with the goal of upholding the highest standards of integrity. The Group’s Employee Handbook and Employees Business Conduct guidelines serve as guidelines for its employees to adhere in order to comply with the applicable laws and ethical standards to govern and ensure long-term growth, development and sustenance of the Group. The Company has established the Directors’ Fit and Proper Policy to ensure that individuals of high calibre who possess the right character, experience, expertise, integrity, track record and qualifications are appointed on the Board of the Company and its subsidiaries. All candidates to be appointed to the Board of the Company, including those seeking for re-election/reappointment, shall undergo a review of fit and properness by the Board in accordance with the Directors’ Fit and Proper Policy. The details of the Code of Conduct and Ethics for Directors, ABAC Policy, WB Policy and Directors’ Fit and Proper Policy are available on the Company’s website at Sustainability The Company is committed to operate in a sustainable manner, as this will not only create value to the Company, but also to our employees, business communities and society surrounding us. The Company continued to recognise sustainability as strategic priority across the Group and build on the progress the Company has achieved thus far. To ensure that the effective implementation of the Company’s sustainability strategies and plans, the RMC is responsible in overseeing the Group’s various risks including sustainability and climate-related risks. During the year under review, the NRC undertook an evaluation of the performance of the Board in addressing the Company’s material sustainability risks and opportunities. The Company has established the Sustainability Policy for the purpose of communicating it to employees, customers and other stakeholders on the Company’s efforts and resources in managing its material environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) matters and to create long term value for the stakeholders and improve our long-term performance and resilience. The details of the Group’s sustainability strategies, priorities and performance against targets are set out separately in the Sustainability Statement of this Annual Report.