Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

04 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT DATASONIC GROUP BERHAD 72 Indicator Measurement Unit 2024 Bursa (Diversity) Bursa C3(b) Percentage of directors by gender and age group Male Percentage 87.00 Female Percentage 13.00 Under 30 Percentage 0.00 Between 30-50 Percentage 75.00 Above 50 Percentage 25.00 Bursa (Energy management) Bursa C4(a) Total energy consumption Megawatt 2,452,652.00 Bursa (Health and safety) Bursa C5(a) Number of work-related fatalities Number 0 Bursa C5(b) Lost time incident rate ("LTIR") Rate 8.30 Bursa C5(c) Number of employees trained on health and safety standards Number 138 Bursa (Labour practices and standards) Bursa C6(a) Total hours of training by employee category Management Hours 681 Executive Hours 6,610 Non-executive/Technical Staff Hours 2,342 General Workers Hours 0 Bursa C6(b) Percentage of employees that are contractors or temporary staff Percentage 28.00 Bursa C6(c) Total number of employee turnover by employee category Management Number 1 Executive Number 2 Non-executive/Technical Staff Number 30 General Workers Number 0 Bursa C6(d) Number of substantiated complaints concerning human rights violations Number 0 Bursa (Supply chain management) Bursa C7(a) Proportion of spending on local suppliers Percentage 33.60 Bursa (Data privacy and security) Bursa C8(a) Number of substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data Number 0 Bursa (Water) Bursa C9(a) Total volume of water used Megalitres 7,998.000000 DATA TABLE PERFORMANCE from ESG Reporting Platform