Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

04 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT STATEMENT SUSTAINABILITY DATASONIC GROUP BERHAD 68 OUR PROGRESS In FY2024, Datasonic complied with relevant local OSH laws, including Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (“OSHA 1994”) and the Occupational Health (Amendment) Act 2022. We reported zero (0) fatalities during the year. However, we recorded one lost-time injury (“LTI”) at DMSB’s facility in Klang. The Group conducts thorough investigation to pinpoint the root cause and implement preventive measures to prevent recurrence. LTI refers to work-related incidents that result in time off from work, or loss of productive work. Datasonic Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 No. of lost time injury - 2 1 - Employees - 2 1 - Contractors - - - LTI Frequency Rate per 1 million manhours - 24.5 8.3 No. of fatality - - - No. of workplace inspections 4 6 6 No. of safety programmes/training 7 6 7 No. of staff trained on health and safety standards 119 117 138 Percentage of sites with ISO 45001:2018 certification (previously OHSAS 18001) 100% 100% 100% ONE Lost-Time Injury ZERO Cases of Fatalities PRODUCT RESPONSIBILITY WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Datasonic operates in a digital landscape where data security is paramount. As a trusted provider of critical solutions for government agencies, financial institutions, and other organisations, we acknowledge the responsibility we hold in safeguarding sensitive customer information. Any breach could have dire consequences, including identity theft and the loss of confidential data. Therefore, securing dependable data privacy and maintaining the highest standards of product safety and quality are fundamental to our resolve to sustainability and our customers' trust. Development Technology Transportation Installation Production Maintenance Upgrade De-commissioning OUR APPROACH Data Privacy & Security We take data protection seriously, implementing stringent measures to safeguard privacy and security in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, including the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. Our multi-layered cybersecurity approach includes installing firewalls, anti-virus software, regular employee training, and rigorous vulnerability assessments to protect against unauthorised access. Datasonic is committed to a balanced approach, recognising that advancements and security are both essential for sustainable growth. We invest in continuous improvement through research and development, guaranteeing that our security measures remain up-to-date. Safety considerations are integrated into every stage of our product lifecycle.