Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

STATEMENT SUSTAINABILITY ANNUAL REPORT 2024 67 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? In our technology-driven industry, the well-being of our employees, vendors, suppliers, and customers is inseparable from our success. A safe and healthy work environment cultivates a culture of trust and enables our teams to focus on delivering high-quality solutions. This minimises the risk of accidents and injuries at our premises. This determination extends beyond our own employees, influencing our partners and suppliers to adopt similar standards. OUR APPROACH Our goal at Datasonic is to have an injury-free workplace with zero accidents. Datasonic’s operations continue to be guided by our Safety Policy, which is enforced by our Occupational Safety and Health (“OSH”) Committee. The committee includes employee representatives which provides a vital voice for employee concerns and promotes the effectiveness of our safety measures. The policy applies to employees, contractors, and visitors of our sites. It is reviewed annually to guarantee ongoing compliance and effectiveness across all our facilities. Our PJ 223 and Klang sites maintains their ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems certification, reflecting our adherence to international best practices. We also undertake risk assessments for both new and existing operations to proactively address potential hazards. At the same time, we conduct regular safety audits and inspections across our facilities to ensure ongoing compliance and determine potential risks. Our Board views safety as a material topic at Datasonic. The Group’s safety performance data, incident reports, and corrective actions are included as an agenda for Board meetings. In the case of emergency situations, our trained and equipped Emergency Response Team (“ERT”) is prepared to respond promptly and effectively. OUR PROGRESS In FY2024, we recorded a total of 9,633 training hours across 130 programmes, covering technical competencies, professional qualifications, soft skills, and other essential areas. FY2024 No. of training programmes 130 Total training hours 9,633 - Management 681 - Executive 6,610 - Non-Executive 2,342 Average training hours per employee 11 130 Total Training Programmes 9,633 Total Training Hours Delivering OSH Training and Awareness Programmes We provide our employees with a range of OSH training programmes that educate them on the specific actions and behaviours required to safely operate equipment, detect OSH issues, and respond to incidents that occur. The training provided to our employees enable them to act efficiently during an incident, especially in the case of an injury. The programme also outlines their roles and responsibilities in the event of an incident. Safety programmes conducted in FY2024: • Fire Emergency drill • First Aid training • Hearing Conservation Programme • How to Use Emergency Kit (Portable Eyewash) • Incident Reporting & Analysis training • Forklift Operators & Safety training • Ergonomic & Manual Handling training