Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

04 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT STATEMENT SUSTAINABILITY DATASONIC GROUP BERHAD 54 We endeavour to raise the standards of our practices by adopting international standards, frameworks, and guidelines. In FY2024, 100% of the sites of the Group’s subsidiaries, DMSB and DTSB at PJ 223, and DMSB in Klang, are ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems (“EMS”) certified. Our robust EMS provides a structured approach to environmental management, guiding our efforts in conserving resources, curtailing waste, and preventing pollution. This demonstrates our determination to continuous improvement and adherence to international standards. Spearheaded by our EDs and SLT, our EMS is supported by regular performance monitoring. This data-driven approach helps identify areas for improvement and implement solutions to lower our carbon footprint. We believe in encouraging a culture of environmental awareness through our innovative e-campaign. This monthly email series focus on various environmental topics that allow us to equip our employees with the knowledge and tools to embrace sustainable practices. Sustainability extends beyond our operations. We collaborate with our suppliers, encouraging them to adopt environmentally responsible practices throughout the entire product lifecycle, from design and manufacturing to distribution. By working together, we aim to mitigate the ecological footprint of the Group's entire supply chain. Water Management Water is a critical resource for the Group’s operations, particularly in our manufacturing operations, personalisation processes, as well as general sanitation. While our facilities are not located in water-stressed areas, we are committed to responsible water management and conservation. This aligns with our broader sustainability goals and secures long-term viability of our operations. The Group’s water supply is primarily drawn from respective municipal water suppliers in our areas of operations. We monitor our water usage to discern opportunities for optimisation, and reduce leakages, if any. At DMSB’s site in Klang, we also quantify the costs associated with water-related risks. This assessment will inform the development of specific, time-bound targets for water reduction as we move forward. Waste Management We enforce strict waste management procedures across the entire waste lifecycle – from collection and transport to treatment and disposal. Beyond proper disposal, we actively work to streamline waste at the source. This includes using less packaging and optimising processes to minimise waste generation. We also prioritise reuse and recycling of materials whenever feasible. Datasonic generates waste in the form of solid and scheduled wastes. Solid wastes are categorised as recyclable or nonrecyclable, enabling us to maximise recycling and divert waste from landfills, which are major sources of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Waste materials such as paper, carton boxes, and non-confidential plastic containers are recycled. As for non-recyclable materials, they are stored, collected, and disposed of in authorised landfills according to applicable laws and regulations. We engage a professional company for secure destruction of confidential information in compliance with our industry's specific needs. Meanwhile, scheduled wastes are handled with specialised treatment and disposal methods in compliance with the Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005. Datasonic entrusts the safe handling, treatment, and disposal of our scheduled wastes to a licensed third-party contractor by the Department of Environment (“DOE”). As part of our ongoing commitment to waste reduction, Datasonic organised the "Trash2Treasure" programme in FY2024. This interoffice competition encouraged employees to collect recyclable materials, both at work and at home. This initiative nurtured a company-wide spirit of environmental responsibility and resulted in the diversion of 11,219 kg of materials from landfills.