Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

STATEMENT SUSTAINABILITY ANNUAL REPORT 2024 53 With a commitment to sustainable business practices, Datasonic is cognisant of the shared responsibility in addressing environmental challenges faced by this planet. It is through a strong sense of environmental and social responsibility that we vow to reduce our carbon footprint, optimising the use of resources, responsibly managing waste disposal, and advocating for environmentally friendly practices. ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Datasonic’s business relies on energy, water, and other finite resources. We acknowledge that responsible resource management is essential for the Group’s continued success and the well-being of our planet. To us, environmental responsibility goes beyond regulatory compliance; it involves taking proactive steps to mitigating our ecological footprint. By adhering to environmental standards, we mitigate risks such as operational disruptions, financial penalties, and reputational damage. This resolve also aligns with the growing expectations of consumers and investors who prioritise companies with a clean environmental track record. Furthermore, eco-conscious initiatives attract like-minded talents who value companies committed to a sustainable future. OUR APPROACH Datasonic's determination to environmental stewardship is embedded within our operational practices. Guided by the Group’s Environmental Commitment, we maintain compliance with all relevant environmental regulations across our premises. This includes the Environmental Quality Act 1974 and its applicable regulations, namely the Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005, and Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 2014. We have also instituted a Sustainability Policy in FY2024, reaffirming our pledge to stimulating environmentally responsible practices throughout the Group. Our policy mandates that we consider environmental factors in our decision-making process and seek opportunities to lower our impact. Environmental Protection Management By maintaining our environmental management system, we promote environmental conservation efforts that balance business activities and environmental concerns. Reduction of Customers’ Environmental Footprint We promote energy conservation, improved recyclability and the elimination of hazardous substances to provide environmentally-friendly products and services that help customers reduce their environmental footprint while considering the life cycle of our products from materials procurement to waste disposal. Compliance with Environmental Legislation & Preventing Pollution Upholding all environmental laws and regulations and voluntary standards, we protect nature and minimise pollution as well as health hazards. Environmental Protection and Sustainable Consumption of Resources Being mindful of the environmental impact of business activities, we protect the environment from climate change and use resources such as energy and water sustainably. Datasonic’s Environmental Commitment