Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

04 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT STATEMENT SUSTAINABILITY DATASONIC GROUP BERHAD 50 Meanwhile, we strive to uphold ethical labour practices throughout our supply chain. We firmly reject any form of forced or child labour and work closely with suppliers to ensure fair and equitable labour practices are upheld. At our manufacturing centres, we undertake risk assessment regarding environmental and social matters for existing and potential suppliers. This enables us to detect risks and collaborate with suppliers on mitigation strategies, while maintaining alignment with our Occupational Safety, Health, & Environment (“OSHE”) Policy. Our OSHE expectations are communicated to suppliers via e-mail and suppliers are required to signoff, acknowledging their adherence to these standards. We further solidify our practices by integrating our policy into Service Level Agreements (“SLA”), establishing a shared resolve across our supply chain. We also conduct on-site briefings to contractors and vendors, with a permit needed to carry out any works. We give precedence to local procurement whenever possible. This offers commercial advantages to Datasonic, including swifter turnaround times, streamlined logistics costs, and lowered carbon footprints. Additionally, purchasing locally also supports the economic development and job creation in the areas where we do business. As we move forward, we seek ways to strengthen our supply chain, and further integrate ESG factors into our procurement decisions. Timeliness of Delivery Quality of Service Financial Resilience of Suppliers Prompt in Service and Response Time Accurate and Reliable Information Reasonable Terms and Conditions Competitive Pricing Business Reputation Dependability and Reliability Internal Measures for Managing Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Supplier and Contractor Assessment Criteria