Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

STATEMENT SUSTAINABILITY ANNUAL REPORT 2024 49 OUR PROGRESS In FY2024, Datasonic posted total revenue of RM368.3 million and continued to distribute economic value of RM87.4 million to our stakeholders. Note: The financial information in the table is derived from the Audited Financial Statements, which are available for reference from pages 110 to 205 of this Annual Report FY2024. RESPONSIBLE SOURCING WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? At Datasonic, our supply chain decisions ripple outward, impacting not only our business, but also the environment, our employees, and the broader community. Responsible sourcing aligns our business practices with our broader determination to sustainability. We prioritise ethical procurement to reduce our environmental impact, promote fair labour practices, and drive positive change within our value chain. This approach safeguards our reputation and contributes to a more sustainable and equitable future for all. ECONOMIC VALUE GENERATED ECONOMIC VALUE DISTRIBUTED ECONOMIC VALUE RETAINED FY2024 Revenue: RM368.3 million Operating Costs: RM182.2 million RM87.4 million Employees Wages & Benefits: RM64.4 million Payments to Providers of Capital: RM3.2 million Tax Payments to Government: RM30.2 million CSR-related Initiatives: RM0.9 million OUR APPROACH Our commitment to responsible sourcing is embedded in our Procurement Policy, which guides our practices and sets the standard for suppliers. We assess external providers across a range of criteria including commercial viability, financial stability, technical capabilities, operational efficiency, and environmental responsibility. To ensure synchronisation with our sustainability goals, we communicate our expectations through our Procurement Policy. Beyond commercial aspects, our vendor selection process prioritises partners who share our aim to minimise environmental impact throughout product lifecycles. Whenever feasible, we opt for products with minimal carbon footprint and consider the impact throughout product lifecycles, including energy use, pollution control, waste reduction, and responsible resource use. Apart from that, we encourage suppliers to track performance and engage in impact reduction efforts.