Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

04 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT STATEMENT SUSTAINABILITY DATASONIC GROUP BERHAD 48 OUR APPROACH We strive to strengthen our financial performance and position through the adoption of responsible and ethical business practices, while executing our growth strategies. We invest in research and development (“R&D”) to propel modernisation, leveraging our skilled in-house team and local talents to develop cutting-edge solutions. These solutions not only maintain our competitive edge but also address the evolving needs of our clients. In FY2024, we successfully launched the deployment of the foreign worker card (“i-Kad”), embedded with high security aspects. This exemplifies our dedication to providing secure, reliable identification solutions that benefit individuals, society, and the nation as a whole. Apart from that, we further solidified our position as the trusted partner for national security projects by securing a major contract extension for Malaysian passport solutions, and a new contract to supply MyKad, MyTentera, and MyPOCA raw cards and consumables to Malaysia’s National Registration Department (“NRD”). These achievements underscore our strong track record in delivering secure, innovative solutions for critical national-level projects. At Datasonic, we understand that our economic success is inseparable from our broader dedication to sustainability. The Group’s economic pillar centres on driving sustainable progress that benefits our stakeholders. With this in mind, we continue to revolutionise, while fostering a responsible supply chain, with a commitment to ethics and transparency. These principles create a strong foundation for growth and solidify Datasonic’s role as the leading security-based ICT solutions provider in Malaysia. ECONOMIC ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS PERFORMANCE WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? As the key provider of Malaysia National identification cards (“MyKad”) and International Civil Aviation Organization (“ICAO”) compliant e-passport solutions to the Malaysian government, Datasonic plays a pivotal role in contributing towards national critical projects. This profound responsibility underscores the significance of our economic sustainability. This resolve to financial stability empowers us to invest in our core technologies, fuel advancements, and pursue growth prospects. These efforts cement the Group’s competitiveness at the forefront of our industry, while contributing to Malaysia’s broader economic and technological development. Furthermore, a sustainable business performance is the foundation upon which Datasonic creates value for our stakeholders. This includes delivering healthy returns to our shareholders, meeting our obligations to financiers, contributing tax revenues to the government that support socioeconomic growth, and investing in our local community through job creation and charitable initiatives. More information on our strategic initiatives can be found in the Management Discussion and Analysis (“MD&A”) of this Annual Report FY2024. Membership of Associations Datasonic embraces the power of knowledge-sharing for the advancement of our organisation and industry. As members of industry associations, we engage in a collaborative environment that promotes development, pinpoints market trends and enables us to address sector-wide issues for shared benefit. • International Civil Aviation Organization (“ICAO”) • Construction Industry Development Board (“CIDB”) • Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (“MiGHT”) • Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (“APSCA”) • Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (“ACCA”) • Malaysian Institute of Accountants (“MIA”) • International Association of Accounting Professional (“IAAP”) • Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“MICPA) • Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (“ICSA”)