Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

STATEMENT SUSTAINABILITY ANNUAL REPORT 2024 47 MATERIAL MATTERS Datasonic employs a materiality assessment process involving internal and external stakeholders to determine the Group’s key sustainability matters. This enables us to discern topics of highest significance to our business and stakeholders, ensuring we focus our resources on areas where we can drive meaningful change, as we continue to address stakeholders’ expectations. Materiality Methodology For FY2024, we retained the 27 material matters identified previously considering they remain relevant in the current operating climate. These topics also reflect the Common Sustainability Matters of Bursa Securities as part of the Listing Requirements. The materiality matrix below showcases our most important topics from the perspectives of both Datasonic and our stakeholders. Identification of relevant aspects We update a shortlist of relevant topics based on an analysis of stakeholder feedback, continuous stakeholder engagement, risks and opportunities and a review of the industry and relevant global trends. Analysis and prioritisation In order to select the material topics, the relevant topics are assessed on both the significance of our economic, environmental and social impacts as well as the relevance to our stakeholders. The impact of these topics is gauged using available data, stakeholder feedback, discussions with senior management and the Board of Directors. Implementation: strategy and report structure The results of the materiality assessment are used to shape our strategy, as well as to define the content of this Sustainability Statement. Occupational safety and health Data privacy and security Benefits Career Development Quality Customer feedback / satisfaction Discrimination End of life management Active and responsible marketing Exercising employees’ right Child and compulsory labour Diversity and inclusion Public policy and lobbying Employee volunteerism and support charities Community engagement Conserving environment with technology Waste Water Climate change and energy Level of Stakeholder Concern Relevance to Datasonic Environmentally-friendly materials, components and products Employee engagement and satisfaction Employer / employee relations Economic and business performance Ethical business practises Bribery and corruption Anti-competition Legend: Social | Economic | Environment Responsible sourcing and life cycle impacts