Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

04 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT STATEMENT SUSTAINABILITY DATASONIC GROUP BERHAD 42 ABOUT THIS REPORT As one of Malaysia’s leading technology solutions providers, Datasonic Group Berhad (“Datasonic” or “the Group”) recognises that sustainability is not merely an ethical imperative, but also a strategic driver of the Group’s long-term prosperity. It guides the principles that shape our business conduct and stakeholder interactions. Led by our over-arching goal to deliver exceptional value to all of our stakeholders, we are committed to the ideals espoused under the Economic, Environmental, and Social (“EES”) framework. This Sustainability Statement for the financial year ended 31 March 2024 (“FY2024”) details our sustainability-related initiatives, progress, and performance in these EES areas. STATEMENT Economic viability is vital to fuel our growth and innovation, providing the resources we need to create value for our stakeholders. Nonetheless, this growth must be achieved responsibly, with a consideration for the environment and the communities we serve. Environmental responsibility makes up a core pillar of our sustainability strategy. By minimising our ecological footprint, we safeguard the planet for future generations, and ensure the Group’s business continuity in the long run. We also acknowledge the importance of social impact. Datasonic’s success is linked to the well-being of our employees, customers, and the local communities in which we operate. We seek to create positive impact through fair labour practices, community engagement, and ethical business conduct. Strong governance is the foundation upon which our sustainability efforts rest. At all times, we strive to operate while upholding the highest standards of transparency and accountability.