Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

ANNUAL REPORT 2024 37 RM468.3 million 13.1 sen per share 25.1% RM367.3 million 19.7% 3.6 sen Cash per share Total Assets Net Assets FYE2024 Return on Equity Total Equity FYE2024 Return on Assets Net Cash Position with Balance Sheet Highlights as at 31 March 2024 Net Profit (“NP”) & NP Margin The Group registered its all-time high NP of RM92.2 million for FY2024, a rise of 20.8% YoY from the RM76.4 million achieved a year ago. Notably, this surpassed the previous record high of RM81.9 million posted in FY2013. The double-digit growth was predominantly owing to the earlier mentioned stronger demand as well as higher operational efficiency attained. Return On Equity (“ROE”) and Return On Assets (“ROA”) In-line with the record-breaking performance, the Group’s ROA and ROE were boosted and we achieved back-to-back double-digit return figures for FY2024 and FY2023. ROE for the financial year under review rose to 25.1% from 21.2% a year ago while ROA improved to 19.7% from 16.4% in FY2023. Capital Structure and Capital Resources The Group’s strong balance sheet with net cash position has been pivotal for us as we grow our business. Datasonic’s healthy financial position provides us the flexibility and support required as we manoeuvre through the headwinds arising from the macroeconomic environment. Total assets as at end-FY2024 remained relatively stable on a YoY basis at RM468.3 million versus RM465.4 million a year ago. Trade receivables rose RM53.5 million to RM168.1 million as at 31 March 2024 from RM114.6 million last year in tandem with the higher revenue achieved. On the other hand, total cash holdings were lower at RM112.9 million at the close of the financial year under review as compared to RM157.6 million in the previous year. This was largely due to operational expenditure throughout the year for the current and new projects; including the new foreign worker i-Kad project. Meanwhile, our total liabilities were also broadly similar at RM101.0 million versus RM105.0 million as at endFY2023. Total borrowings level remained flat at RM59.8 million as of 31 March 2024 vis-à-vis RM59.3 million in the prior year. Separately, total equity was higher at RM367.3 million at the end of the financial year under review as compared to RM360.4 million last year, chiefly attributed to increase in retained profits and treasury shares. Net Gearing, Cash Per Share & Net Operating Cash Flow (“NOCF”) As at end-FY2024, the Group continued to be in net cash position with cash per share of 3.6 sen. Datasonic has been in a net cash position in the past three (3) financial years. For FY2024, we generated yet another positive NOCF of RM57.7 million. 5.3% 7.5% 22.2% 25.1% 7.3 10.2 76.4 92.2 All-time High Net Profit FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 Net Profit (RM million) Net Profit Margin AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION