Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

03 OUR PERSPECTIVE DATASONIC GROUP BERHAD 36 At the same time, we ensure premium aesthetics with advanced security features, customisable designs and innovative effects. Our extensive range of practical functionalities further enhances the user experience. Datasonic was the pioneer in credit and debit EMV card personalisation and played a pivotal role in all past national EMV card migration process since 2003. Meanwhile, Datasonic entered into a memorandum of understanding (“MoU”) with Korea Trade Network (“KTNET”) with the aim to successfully secure and jointly execute public procurement system projects in Malaysia. KTNET is the designated National Paperless Trade Platform Operator, Customs Network Service Operator and electronic Bill of Lading Registry and Purchase Certificate Issuing Agency for the government of South Korea. By leveraging on each other’s resources and network, we can deliver high-quality solutions and services that meet the evolving needs of the Malaysian public procurement landscape. FINANCIAL REVIEW Revenue In FY2024, the Group delivered its highest-ever revenue of RM368.3 million, a rise of 6.8% year-on-year (“YoY”). This was a successive best-ever top-line performance after surpassing the record of RM344.7 million achieved in the prior year. The healthy performance was chiefly attributed to higher demand for passports, smart cards and personalisation services. Gross Profit (“GP”) & GP Margin Parallel with the top-line performance, the Group’s FY2024 GP improved to RM220.6 million as compared to RM189.4 million registered in the previous year. This translated to a YoY increase of 16.5% driven by the aforementioned factor. GP margin also improved to 59.9% in the financial year under review from 54.9% in FY2023 on the back of higher revenue as well as increase in operational efficiency. 72.0 76.7 189.4 220.6 138.4 136.4 344.7 368.3 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 Revenue (RM million) Gross Profit (RM million) AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION