238 AL-SALĀM REIT NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2023 ANNUAL REPORT 2023 23. Segment reporting (cont'd.) The accounting policies of the reportable segments below are the same as the Group’s and the Fund’s accounting policies described in Note 2. Other - Fund Retail Office F&B Industrial level outlets buildings restaurants & Others operations Total RM RM RM RM RM RM Group For the year ended 31 December 2023 Total revenue 39,493,339 8,140,289 17,400,126 11,249,065 - 76,282,819 Total property expenses (19,650,705) (4,829,612) (32,137) (380,645) (481,300) (25,374,399) Net property income 19,842,634 3,310,677 17,367,989 10,868,420 (481,300) 50,908,420 Fair value gain on investment properties (163,440) (1,324,000) 7,170,000 6,900,000 - 12,582,560 Investment income 132,935 - - - 802,846 935,781 Total income 19,812,129 1,986,677 24,537,989 17,768,420 321,546 64,426,761 Total fund expenditure (1,500,000) - - - (6,493,106) (7,993,106) Operating profit/(loss) 18,312,129 1,986,677 24,537,989 17,768,420 (6,171,560) 56,433,655 Islamic financing costs - - - - (34,550,046) (34,550,046) Income tax expense - - - - (181,565) (181,565) Profit/(loss) for the year 18,312,129 1,986,677 24,537,989 17,768,420 (40,903,171) 21,702,044 Total assets 707,598,591 62,214,834 310,949,327 190,061,821 45,236,436 1,316,061,009 Total liabilities 17,080,376 3,193,317 592,595 99,002 648,687,862 669,653,152