226 AL-SALĀM REIT NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2023 ANNUAL REPORT 2023 13. Trade receivables, other receivables and prepaid expenses (cont'd.) (b) Other receivables and prepaid expenses (cont'd.) Group Fund 2023 2022 2023 2022 RM RM RM RM Total other receivables and prepaid expenses (non-current and current) 7,613,410 6,406,911 7,599,438 6,381,769 Total trade and non-trade receivables 35,801,188 34,707,736 35,787,216 34,682,594 Less: Prepaid expenses (309,336) (146,839) (309,336) (146,839) Add: Amount due from immediate holding company (Note(c)) 19,937 26,373 19,937 26,373 Amount due from related companies (Note (d)) 1,520,234 1,135,992 1,520,234 1,135,992 Cash and bank balances 38,837,380 44,267,627 31,078,845 36,608,715 Total financial assets carried at amortised cost (debt instruments) 75,869,403 79,990,889 68,096,896 74,306,835 (c) Amount due from immediate holding company Amount due from immediate holding company is non-trade, unsecured, interest-free and repayable on demand. (d) Amount due from related companies Amount due from related companies, which arose mainly from collections on behalf, is unsecured, interest-free and repayable on demand. Transactions with related parties are disclosed in Note 20.