225 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2023 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 13. Trade receivables, other receivables and prepaid expenses (cont'd.) (a) Trade receivables (cont'd.) Movement in allowance for expected credit losses of trade receivables: Group and Fund 2023 2022 RM RM At 1 January 2,498,809 5,169,756 Allowance for expected credit loss 1,500,000 142,646 Written off (18,338) (2,813,593) At 31 December 3,980,471 2,498,809 (i) Unbilled rental income Unbilled rental income relate to the Group’s rights to recognise revenue. Rental income is recognised on a straight line basis including rent free period. Rental will be billed in accordance with the billing terms as set out in the tenancy agreements. (b) Other receivables and prepaid expenses Group Fund 2023 2022 2023 2022 RM RM RM RM Non-current Deferred lease expenses 928,267 - 928,267 - Current Other receivables 6,253,407 6,260,072 6,239,435 6,234,930 Deferred lease expenses 122,400 - 122,400 - Prepaid expenses 309,336 146,839 309,336 146,839 6,685,143 6,406,911 6,671,171 6,381,769