Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2023

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - 31 DECEMBER 2023 23. Segment reporting (Cont’d) The Group’s segmental information is as follows: Malaysia Australia Total RM RM RM 31 December 2023 Gross rental 115,250,328 5,772,153 121,022,481 Property expenses (6,486,678) (65,708) (6,552,386) Net property income 108,763,650 5,706,445 114,470,095 Investment revenue 1,450,856 - 1,450,856 Other income 731,276 - 731,276 Unrealised gain on foreign exchange 55,712 - 55,712 Fair value adjustment on investment properties 8,735,161 (13,886,411) (5,151,250) Total income 119,736,655 (8,179,966) 111,556,689 Trust expenditure (9,186,356) (2,669,074) (11,855,430) Operating profit 110,550,299 (10,849,040) 99,701,259 Finance costs (39,147,086) - (39,147,086) Profit before tax 71,403,213 (10,849,040) 60,554,173 Tax 140,000 - 140,000 Profit after tax 71,543,213 (10,849,040) 60,694,173 Total assets 1,731,435,104 124,548,740 1,855,983,844 Total liabilities 782,552,573 1,133,814 783,686,387 AL-`AQAR HEALTHCARE REIT ANNUAL REPORT 2023 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 223