Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2023

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - 31 DECEMBER 2023 17. Islamic financing Group and Fund 2023 2022 RM RM Non-current Commodity Murabahah Term Financing-i I (“Commodity Murabahah - I”) - 80,000,000 Commodity Murabahah Term Financing-i II (“Commodity Murabahah - II”) 29,994,050 29,994,050 Commodity Murabahah Term Financing-i III (“Commodity Murabahah - III”) 580,000,000 580,000,000 Revolving Credit-i (“RC - I’’) - 100,000,000 Term Financing-i (“TF - I’’) 72,000,000 72,000,000 681,994,050 861,994,050 Less: Transaction costs (4,112,866) (6,377,083) Total (non-current) 677,881,184 855,616,967 Current Commodity Murabahah - I 80,000,000 - Less: Transaction costs (132,000) - Total (current) 79,868,000 - Total (non-current and current) 757,749,184 855,616,967 Commodity Murabahah - I The Commodity Murabahah - I is payable over a period of 60 months from the date of first disbursement with bullet repayment of the principal sum on the 60th month. The Commodity Murabahah - I bears a profit rate of 1.25% (2022: 1.25%) per annum above the bank’s Cost of Funds (”COF”). As at reporting date, the profit rate for the Commodity Murabahah is 4.89% (2022: 4.50%) per annum. The Commodity Murabahah - I was secured against the investment properties which amounting to RM110,450,245 (2022: RM112,815,084) as disclosed in Note 10. AL-`AQAR HEALTHCARE REIT ANNUAL REPORT 2023 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 213