Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2023

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - 31 DECEMBER 2023 14. Cash and bank balances (Cont’d) At the reporting date, the weighted average deposit rate per annum and average remaining maturity period of Islamic fixed deposits with licensed banks are as follows: Group Fund 2023 2022 2023 2022 Weighted average deposit rate (%) 3.17 2.48 3.17 2.48 Average remaining maturity period 47 36 43 32 15. Other payables Group Fund 2023 2022 2023 2022 RM RM RM RM Non-current Tenant deposits 10,645,399 10,050,013 10,645,399 10,050,013 Deferred lease income 5,728,483 5,197,530 5,728,483 5,197,530 16,373,882 15,247,543 16,373,882 15,247,543 Current Amount due to the Trustee 36,093 32,322 36,093 32,322 Amount due to the Manager 1,134,307 331,015 1,086,385 327,209 Amounts due to related companies 199,473 2,671,741 199,473 2,671,741 Other payables 298,766 436,421 298,766 301,334 Third interim income distribution payable 213,896 14,719,702 213,896 14,719,702 Other accrued expenses 6,158,245 5,132,804 5,072,353 5,311,471 8,040,780 23,324,005 6,906,966 23,363,779 Total other payables (non-current and current) 24,414,662 38,571,548 23,280,848 38,611,322 Less: Deferred lease income (5,728,483) (5,197,530) (5,728,483) (5,197,530) Add: Islamic financing (Note 17) 757,749,184 855,616,967 757,749,184 855,616,967 Total financial liabilities carried at amortised costs 776,435,363 888,990,985 775,301,549 889,030,759 (a) Deferred lease income Deferred lease income relates to the excess of the principal amount of security deposits received over their fair value which is accounted for as prepaid lease income and amortised over the lease term on a straight line basis. (b) Amount due to the Trustee, the Manager and related companies Amount due to the Trustee, the Manager and related companies are non-trade, unsecured, non-interest bearing and repayable on demand. AL-`AQAR HEALTHCARE REIT ANNUAL REPORT 2023 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 211