Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

INTRODUCTION This Corporate Governance (“CG”) Overview Statement sets out the principal features of the Group’s corporate governance approach, summary of corporate governance practices during the year under review as well as key focus areas and future priorities in relation to corporate governance. The Board has been guided by the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (“MCCG”) in its implementation of CG practices while ensuring compliance with the Main Market Listing Requirements (“MMLR”) of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, the Guidelines for Listed REITs, Bursa Malaysia Corporate Governance Guide 28 April 2021, and Companies Act 2016. The Board also monitors developments in industry practice and other relevant regulations and statutory requirements, best practices and guidelines so as to provide a detailed articulation on the application of the Group’s corporate governance practices vis-à-vis the MCCG. The Corporate Governance Report is available on the Group’s website at as well as via an announcement on the website of Bursa Malaysia. This CG Overview Statement should also be read in tandem with the other statements in the Integrated Report namely, the Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control (“SORMIC”), Audit and Risk Committee Report, and Sustainability Statement. The CG Overview Statement provides a summary of the Company’s CG practices during the financial year, with reference to the following 3 principles: • Principle A: Board Leadership and Effectiveness; • Principle B: Effective Audit and Risk Management; and • Principle C: Integrity in Corporate Reporting and Meaningful Relationship with Stakeholders. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK The governance structure of the Company where the responsibilities of the Board are delegated to the relevant Board Committees and the Management of the Company is illustrated below: Finance Committee Property Managers Committee Procurement/ Tender Committee (Funds) (outsourced) Shariah Committee Trustee Company Secretaries & Registrar Compliance Officer BOARD NOMINATION AND REMUNERATION COMMITTEE External Auditor Internal Auditor Enterprise Risk Management Committee BOARD AUDIT AND RISK COMMITTEE BOARD INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Management Committee CEO BOARD OF DIRECTORS AL-`AQAR UNITHOLDERS CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT AL-`AQAR HEALTHCARE REIT ANNUAL REPORT 2022 96