Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP STRONG SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS (CONT’D) Climate Change The world is facing a climate emergency, and natural resources are being used up faster than they can be replenished. Protecting the environment is an ongoing challenge for businesses of all sizes, in all industries, all over the world. We continue to promote responsible business practices throughout our operations, supporting the global Climate Change Agenda. Al-`Aqar continues to embrace our responsibility to understand and manage our carbon footprint. We monitor our carbon emissions and track our progress in reducing greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions, where possible, to do our part to minimise impacts on the climate. The emissions included in this statement are classified as scope 1 emissions (emissions produced from the consumption of diesel to power company vehicles) and scope 2 emissions (emissions produced from the consumption of electricity). Community Engagement The Manager embraces social responsibility and maintains active engagement with our diverse group of stakeholders who all have a direct or indirect impact to our business, reputation and our purpose in creating a sustainable future for all. We continue to establish mutually beneficial relationships through impactful communications and initiatives that suit the different needs of our stakeholders. As majority of the Fund’s properties are under a single net lease agreement, the Manager does not conduct CSR activities there, but rather takes its own initiatives to do so at DRMSB/HQ level. In this reporting period, the Manager made a second payment donation assistance for our employees which were affected by flood. 54% 46% Male Female Senior Management Management Executive Non-Executive Employee Breakdown by Gender, Age, and Employment Category <30 Years Above 50 Years 30 - 50 Years GRI 413-1 GRI - 302-1 | 302-4 | 305-1| 305-2 | 307-1 91 1. Corporate Overview 3. Strategic Performance 5. Governance Structure 2. The Driving Forces 4. Sustainability Statement 6. Financial Reports