Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT STRONG SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS (CONT’D) Tenant Satisfaction We believe in building a strong and trusting relationship with our tenant as we continue to engage with them even during difficult times. We value their patronage, and take into consideration their feedback in our effort to expand our outreach in building a shared sense of responsibility and progressing societal development at all KPJ properties. Once a year, tenants are asked to evaluate the services rendered by the Property or Maintenance Manager on a scale of one (1) to five (5). where one (1) is very unsatisfactory and five (5) is very satisfactory. Categories included in this evaluation are professionalism and management team, quality of services, and communication. The Performance Evaluation results showed an average score of 3.9 out 5 across all categories, for an overall average rating of 86.1%. Apart from performance evaluations, the Manager carries out extensive engagements via numerous communication channels to promote social betterment, building strong tenant relationships to meet their evolving behaviour and expectations. The Maintenance Manager conducts quarterly formal engagement sessions with tenants to address any questions or concerns raised by the tenants, or issues relating to tenant-property owner relationships. During these meetings, tenants are also encouraged to share their opinions, whether positive or negative, on the Property or Maintenance Manager. The Manager requires that the appointed Maintenance Manager undertake building inspections once a year to provide constructive recommendations to the hospitals, as needed, to ensure that the Fund’s assets are well maintained at all times. Building audits are performed on physical assets and environmental services such as air conditioning and ventilation, firefighting systems, water supply systems, lifts, staff and manpower, preventive planned maintenance master programme, and statutory requirements and licence status. Following the submission of the report to the tenant, immediate action is required to address the comments to ensure that the buildings and equipment are in good condition and safe to use. Human Capital Development Our people are integral to our business and success. As a responsible employer, we strive to provide an extensive remuneration package of attractive benefits such as medical coverage, insurance, dental care, paternal leave and pilgrimage leave. To safeguard the health of employees and their families during these trying times, the Manager has provided its staff with an incentive to work from home. This incentive includes an allowance which covers home internet, establishment of a comfortable and conducive workspace, and electricity consumption. We recognise that workforce expectations have evolved considerably over the past year and will continue to do so. Our human capital development is based on promoting performance management, leadership development, succession planning and employee capacity building. It is implemented at all levels of the organisation, in partnership with our leaders, business managers and operation teams, to support our business priorities and growth strategy. Our intention is to provide our employees across the Funds with the development opportunities they need with regard to their technical and personal skills. This enables us to retain talents over the long-term and prepare them for their future roles. During the year, we continue to promote training to equip our people with essential and important skillsets, allowing them to function in today’s world and to adapt to new work cultures. Professionalism & Management Team Quality of Service & Documents Provided Communication Others 93% Employees Attended Training Total Hours of Training Total Training Investment per Employee (Hour) Total Training Cost per Employee (RM) Total Training Cost (RM) 584 23 1071 27,834 80% 76% 72% 80% GRI 401-1 | 401-2 | 404-1 | 404-2 AL-`AQAR HEALTHCARE REIT ANNUAL REPORT 2022 88