Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT STRONG SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS Health and Safety At Al-`Aqar, the safety and well-being of our people, including our tenants, are deeply rooted within our OSH strategy and are strengthened by the tenant’s OSH culture, which aims to create greater transparency and awareness. The Fund’s OSH strategy drives efforts towards embedding a culture of accident prevention, safety, and risk management throughout all operations. Routine inspections to identify work-related hazards are carried out every two (2) or three (3) years by an appointed Safety and Health Officer at each KPJ hospital. Within the HQ, the Manager has also appointed one staff member to act as a Safety and Health Officer. The safety and health officer (“HSO”) is responsible for the following duties: As the Manager, the Fund continues to ensure our sole tenant demonstrates resilience in maintaining good OSH practices in every aspect of their work and operations. KPJ hospitals continued the initiatives that ensure strict adherence to safety standards and enforced safety culture, compliance and leadership among employees. The Fund continues to be the driving force accelerating the development of an OSH culture across our business and operations. During the year, two employees attended the virtual Occupational Safety and Health training on safe practices within an office environment. We continued our associated control measures, maintaining them for the endemic phase of COVID-19. This is to ensure employee’s health, safety and welfare in light of the new normal. • Advising the management on safety issues as well as developing health and safety policies and procedures • Monitoring and controlling safety and compliance in the organisation as per the law and organisation’s policy • Carrying out safety inspections and internal audits, and reporting to management with suggestions • Ensure preventive measures, administrative control and personal protective equipment are implemented and used • Investigate and report accidents and near misses • Record-keeping of all safety events, training and drills. The REIT Manager recorded ZERO reportable incidents during the reporting period. Emergency Respond Team Policy & Procedure Fire Drill Fire Rescue and Prevention Plan GRI 403-1 | 403-2 | 403-4 | 419-1 87 1. Corporate Overview 3. Strategic Performance 5. Governance Structure 2. The Driving Forces 4. Sustainability Statement 6. Financial Reports