Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT MATERIAL SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS (CONT’D) Mapping the Material Sustainability Matters Pillars Material Sustainability Matter Description Stakeholders Corresponding SDGs Human Capital Development Providing personal and professional benefits, training, and development opportunities to all employees. Employees Diversity and Inclusion Promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace where every employee, regardless of gender, race and ethnicity, is treated with dignity and respect. Employees Community Engagement Building strong relationships through regular engagement activities, to promote the well-being of local communities. Employees Local Communities Climate Change Efforts made on responsible energy management and usage to reduce the impacts on climate change. Investors, Tenants, Property/ Service/Maintenance Manager Waste and Effluent Management Managing waste to reduce its generation and ensure that it is disposed of properly. Investors, Tenants, Local Communities, Regulatory Agencies & Statutory Bodies, Property/Service/ Maintenance Manager Water Management Managing water to reduce its consumption. Investors, Tenants, Property/ Service/Maintenance Manager Strong Social Relationships (cont’d) Environmental Stewardship ROBUST CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Regulatory Compliance Among the key national laws, regulations and guidelines applicable to the business include but are not limited to the following: The Manager maintains a comprehensive compliance report, which details the requirements for various acts, risk treatments, the Fund’s mitigation plans, and risk ratings. This is to ensure that the Fund is able to comply with all relevant legal and statutory requirements. Beyond this, the Manager also conducts training on legal requirements, obtains legal advice from professionals, and requires all internal audits be performed by external consultants to maintain impartiality. Capital Market Services Act 2007 Main Market Listing Requirements Guidelines on Listed REITs Guidelines on Islamic Capital Market Products and Services Income Tax Act 1967 EPF Act 1991 Malaysia Code on Corporate Governance (“MCCG”) Guidelines on Corporate Governance for Capital Market Intermediaries GRI - 102-16 | 102-17 83 1. Corporate Overview 3. Strategic Performance 5. Governance Structure 2. The Driving Forces 4. Sustainability Statement 6. Financial Reports