Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT MATERIAL SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS (CONT’D) Materiality Matrix (cont’d) We have not conducted a materiality reassessment of material sustainability in this reporting year, as the Fund believes the fifteen (15) material matters remain relevant to our current operations. As such, the materiality matrix has been kept unchanged from FY2021. Among material matters that remain top priority to the Fund are those under Robust Corporate Governance, covering topics under “Regulatory Compliance”, “Corporate Governance and Business Ethics”, and finally “Risk Management”. Mapping the Material Sustainability Matters Pillars Material Sustainability Matter Description Stakeholders Corresponding SDGs Regulatory Compliance Efforts to adhere to laws, regulations, guidelines and specifications relevant to business operations. Employees, Investors, Tenants, Regulatory Agencies & Statutory Bodies Risk Management Strategies in managing operational, financial and compliance risks to ensure sustainable long-term growth. Employees, Investors Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Values, principles, standards and norms that are critical towards business sustainability Employees, Investors, Tenants, Regulatory Agencies & Statutory Bodies Financial Performance Strategies in managing financial and operational performance, as well as measuring their effects on stakeholders. Employees, Investors Indirect Economic Impact Strategies in managing the indirect economic impacts of infrastructure investments and the services supported. Tenants, Local Communities Procurement and Supply Chain Management Management of supply chain activities to maximise value for customers and tenants, as well as ensure that products or services provided by suppliers meet the standards and requirements of the Manager. Tenant Satisfaction Initiatives to ensure that all properties are comfortable, safe, and meet the standards of all tenants and customers. Tenants Health and Safety Measures taken to prevent workplace accidents or injuries, and to maintain a safe and conducive working environment. Employees, Tenants, Regulatory Agencies & Statutory Bodies Human Rights and Labour Standards Respecting and protecting the rights of all employees, service providers and suppliers, local communities and other stakeholders regardless of gender, age, employment type, nationality, religion and race. Employees, Local Communities Robust Corporate Governance Sustainable Trust Fund Strong Social Relationships AL-`AQAR HEALTHCARE REIT ANNUAL REPORT 2022 82