Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

Roles Responsibilities Board of Directors • Endorses and oversees the implementation of the Fund’s sustainable strategy to ensure key targets are met. • Takes responsibility and accountability for the Fund’s communication on sustainability issues to stakeholders. • Establishes a culture of integrity by placing emphasis on communication about sustainability across the Fund. • Endorses material sustainability matters and the governance structure. Board Audit and Risk Committee • Oversee and recommend appropriate risk management and measurement policies and strategies, including ESG risks and opportunities across the Company. • Review, approve and ensure adherence to the Company’s risk management framework, policy and strategies. • Review the effectiveness of the system for monitoring compliance with laws and regulations, along with the results of the management’s investigation and follow-up of any instances of non-compliance. • Review the Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy of the Company to ensure that the JLG Group strategy and AntiBribery and Corruption Policy are aligned. • Chairperson of BARC shall be responsible for receiving Whistle-Blowing information and to and to discuss the action to be taken amongst the members. Enterprise Risk Management Committee • Supports BARC in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities with respect to ERM Policy & Framework, along with its processes, including risk assessment on key strategic, financial, operational and compliance risk. • To coordinate the development of risk management policies and procedures as well as its initiatives to ensure an effective ERM framework is in place. • To review and deliberate risk reports and, where applicable, recommend mitigation strategies for implementation. • To provide regular updates to the BARC on respective mitigation measures, and action plans relating to the respective residual risk profile and ERM initiatives. • To monitor, develop, review, assess and recommend to BARC risk management strategies, policies and risk tolerance limits. Property Managers • Develops the overarching sustainability strategy for the Fund based on material sustainability matters identified. • Provides recommendations and improvements to the Board on the material sustainability matters related to the Fund. • Formulates targets and initiatives to achieve sustainability goals pledged by the Fund. • Assesses the effectiveness of the sustainable initiatives put in place, and monitors and maintains records on these initiatives. SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT APPROACH TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (CONT’D) Sustainability Governance (cont’d) 03 01 02 04 79 1. Corporate Overview 3. Strategic Performance 5. Governance Structure 2. The Driving Forces 4. Sustainability Statement 6. Financial Reports