Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT ABOUT THIS STATEMENT (CONT’D) 2018 • Established ESG Framework consist of 3 pillars (Governance, People and Partner) • Established Sustainability Strategy comprise of Corporate Governance, Economic and Social. • Conducted a materiality reassessment for FY 2018. • Identified 7 stakeholder groups and conducted stakeholder engagement exercise. 2017 • Published first Sustainability Statement. • Established a Sustainability Governance Structure consists of the Board of Directors and Sustainability Steering Committee. • Identified 6 stakeholder groups and conducted stakeholder engagement exercise. • Conducted a Materiality Assessment. 2022 • Continue reporting disclosures on four pillars (Robust Corporate Governance, Sustainable Trust Fund, Environmental Stewardship and Strong Social Relationship) • Updated our contributions to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2021 • Reviewed and revised ESG Framework to consist of four pillars (Robust Corporate Governance, Sustainable Trust Fund, Environmental Stewardship and Strong Social Relationship) • Adopted SDG 8, 9, 11, 13 and 16. • Reported on our contributions to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) • Revised Susatainability Governance Structure to include the Board of Directors, Board Audit and Risk Committee, Enterprise Risk Management Committee and Property Managers. • Revised stakeholders groups to maintain at six stakeholders and conducted stakeholder engagement. • Reviewed and consolidated the number of material matters to 15. • Conducted a materiality reassessment and benchmarking exercise for FY2021. 2020 • Revised Group’s sustainability strategy into four key topics (Governance, Environment, Economic and Social) • Reviewed and revised Sustainability Governanve Structure to include Board of Directors, Board Audit & RIsk Committee, and the Manager. • Conducted stakeholder engagement exercise. • Conducted materiality reassessment in FY2020. 2019 • Conducted stakeholder engagement exercise. • Conducted a materiality reassessment for FY2019. Our Climate Reporting Journey • Began reporting on electricity and fuel consumption for HQ. • Began reporting on Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. ESG Journey AL-`AQAR HEALTHCARE REIT ANNUAL REPORT 2022 76