Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

ROBUST CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 83 Regulatory Compliance 83 Corporate Governance and Business Ethics 84 Risk Management 84 SUSTAINABLE TRUST FUND 86 Financial Performance 86 Indirect Economic Impacts 86 Procurement and Supply Chain Management 86 STRONG SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS 87 Health and Safety 87 Tenant Satisfaction 88 Human Capital Development 88 Human Rights and Labour Standards 90 Diversity and Inclusion 90 Community Engagement 91 ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP 91 Climate Change 91 Waste and Effluent Management 93 Water Management 93 CLOSING STATEMENT 93 GRI CONTENT INDEX 93 ABOUT THIS STATEMENT 74 Reporting Scope 75 Reporting Framework 75 APPROACH TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 77 Sustainability Framework 77 Contribution to the UN SDGs 78 Sustainability Governance 78 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 80 MATERIAL SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS 81 Materiality Matters 81 Materiality Matrix 81 Mapping the Material Sustainability Matters 82 Sustainability Statement