Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

MARKET REPORT SUMMARY HEALTHCARE TRANSFORMATION SHIFTING FROM ACCELERATING THE ADOPTION OF NEW TECHNOLOGY AND CARE DELIVERY MODELS TO INCREASING THE FOCUS ON SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCY The COVID-19 pandemic permanently changed global health care, from accelerating the adoption of new technology and care delivery models to increasing the focus on sustainability and resiliency. At the same time, it accentuated existing workforce challenges and the global disparities of health equity. With more than 70 percent of the world’s population having received at least one COVID-19 vaccine, the sector now faces critical questions that will shape it’s future in 2023 and beyond. In the coming year, health care providers, other sector participants, governments, and regulators must ask themselves how they can: COVID-19 has not disappeared from the global stage, but public health professionals are increasingly optimistic that the pandemic is becoming endemic, meaning that while the virus is still present, it is becoming more manageable and predictable — more like the seasonal flu. While several hundred thousand new infections — and hundreds of deaths — were being reported daily worldwide at the end of 2022, new vaccines have reduced the number of deaths dramatically. During 2022, no new strains were declared a “variant of concern” by the World Health Organization. Health care stakeholders should remain alert, nimble, flexible, and prepared for spikes and valleys in COVID-19 cases as well as other communicable diseases. At the same time, COVID taught health professionals how to adapt to remote working, virtual doctor visits and shortages of medical supplies, personnel, and services. Indeed, the lasting impact of COVID-19 may be one of opportunity in which the health sector has a chance to reinvent itself and capitalize on trends that were emerging even before the pandemic, such as shifting consumer preferences, changes in patient behaviors, and rapidly evolving technology. The sector also should continue to explore clinical innovation and new care delivery models — some of which, like telemedicine, were successfully used on a widespread basis during the pandemic. If the health sector takes advantage of these opportunities, it could transform care delivery, the patient experience, and ways of working at hospitals and other facilities, while also reducing inequities and boosting resiliency. (Extracted from Deloitte Report: 2023 Global Health Care Outlook) • Translate lessons about virtual health delivery during the pandemic into improved access and treatment. • Leverage technology to reduce costs and demands on health workers while improving care for patients. • Reduce their carbon footprint and thereby help to mitigate some of the environmental threats to public health. • Ease the burdens on an increasingly stressed workforce by reshaping the scope of job requirements, allowing more remote work, and providing better support such as mental health services. • Better prepare facilities, supply chains, and partnerships for future pandemics, public health events, or natural disasters. 57 1. Corporate Overview 3. Strategic Performance 5. Governance Structure 2. The Driving Forces 4. Sustainability Statement 6. Financial Reports