Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS PERFORMANCE BENCHMARK Performance Benchmark FY2021 FY2022 Commentary (i) Management expense ratio (%) 0.29 0.29 No significance changes on the Management expenses ratio. (ii) Total return (%) (4.73) 11.81 Total return for the financial year was positive due to higher closing price of RM1.22 compared to RM1.16 and higher DPU of 8.10 sen. (iii) Average annual total return (5 years) (%) 0.06 3.13 The 5-year average annual total return increased due to higher closing price and higher DPU in FY2022. (iv) Average annual total unit price return (3 years) (%) 2.11 3.84 The 3-year average annual total return increased due to higher closing price and higher DPU in FY2022. (v) Distribution yield (%) 6.72 6.64 Distribution yield decreased slightly from 6.72% to 6.64% due to higher closing price in FY2022. (vi) NAV per unit (RM) 1.2840 1.2839 No significance changes on the NAV per unit. Notes: (i) The ratio of expenses incurred in operating Al-`Aqar of RM2.75 million (FY2021: 2.81 million) to the weighted average NAV of Al-`Aqar of RM954.5 million (FY2021: RM960.3 million). (ii) Total return represents the change in unit price during the year plus distribution yield for the year. (iii) Average annual return is the sum of the return rates of Al-`Aqar over a given numbers of years divided by that number of years. (iv) Average annual return is the sum of the return rates of Al-`Aqar over a given numbers of years divided by that number of years. (v) Based on DPU of RM8.10 sen (FY2021: DPU of 7.80 sen) divided by its closing price as at 31 December 2022 of RM1.22 (FY2021: RM1.16). (vi) Net asset value of Al-`Aqar is determined by deducting the value of Al-`Aqar’s liabilities from the total asset value, divided by total issued units. AL-`AQAR HEALTHCARE REIT ANNUAL REPORT 2022 44