Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

DATO’ DR. HAJI NOOH BIN GADOT Chairman, Shariah Committee Academic and Professional Qualifications: • Bachelor Islamic Law and Syariah Islamiah, Al-Azhar University, Egypt • Master of Arts, Asia e University • Doctor of Philosophy (Human Development), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Working Experience: Dato’ Dr. Haji Nooh Bin Gadot is a member of the Johor Royal Council and Islamic Religious Council (Johor). He retired as Mufti of Johor in November 2002 and continued his service until 13 November 2008 and now remains as the Advisor to the Islamic Religious Council (Johor). Dato’ Dr. Haji Nooh Bin Gadot was appointed as Federal Supreme Committee of Islamic Affairs Strengthening Management on 9 August 2018. His vast experience in Islamic practise and jurisprudence, juristic methodology, hadith and its sciences and spirituality were gained throughout his services as Acting Kadi, Syarie Lawyer Islamic Affair Officer Religious Department (Prime Minister Department), Acting Assistant Examination and Registrar Religious School of Johor State and Religious Teacher of Johor State. Other Directorship: • Chairman of Yayasan Infaq Angkasa • Shariah Adviser Member, Permodalan Nasional Berhad • Director, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia • Director, Yayasan Wakaf Anak Yatim Malaysia • Committee Member, Johor Islamic Council including Zakat, Wakaf, Baitulmal, Teaching Certification and Education • Committee Member of various companies within the JCorp Group • Committee Member of various councils including the Johor Royal Congregational Council, Johor Islamic Council’s Finance and Investment, Planning and Development units Nationality: Age: 77 Gender: Male Date of Appointment: 22 June 2006 THE SHARIAH COMMITTEE 33 1. Corporate Overview 3. Strategic Performance 5. Governance Structure 2. The Driving Forces 4. Sustainability Statement 6. Financial Reports