Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

Strategic Performance 42 Management Discussion and Analysis 42 Financial Review 47 Operations Review 52 Capital Review 53 Risk Management 56 Market Report Summary 60 Portfolio Summary and Details Sustainability Statement 74 About This Statement 77 Approach to Sustainable Development 80 Stakeholder Engagement 81 Material Sustainability Matters 83 Robust Corporate Governance 86 Sustainable Trust Fund 87 Strong Social Relationships 91 Environmental Stewardship 93 Closing Statement 93 GRI Content Index Governance Structure 96 Corporate Governance Statement 102 Board Audit and Risk Committee Report 109 Board Investment Committee Report 112 Board Nomination and Remuneration Committee Report 117 Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control 126 Additional Compliance Information 128 Shariah Adviser’s Report 129 Trustee’s Report Financial Reports 131 Manager’s Report 137 Statement by the Directors of the Manager 137 Statutory Declaration 138 Independent Auditor’s Report 142 Statements of Comprehensive Income 144 Statements of Financial Position 146 Statements of Changes in Net Asset Value 148 Statements of Cash Flows 150 Notes to the Financial Statements 3 4 5 6