Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2022 12. Trade receivables, other receivables and prepaid expenses Group Fund 2022 2021 2022 2021 RM RM RM RM Trade receivables Current Related companies 40,318,496 30,418,891 14,562,257 10,604,428 Less: Allowance for expected credit losses (Note (a)) - - - - 40,318,496 30,418,891 14,562,257 10,604,428 Unbilled rental income 9,184,916 5,687,602 9,184,916 5,687,602 49,503,412 36,106,493 23,747,173 16,292,030 Other receivables and prepaid expenses Other receivables 80,574 67,419 80,099 66,955 Prepayments 69,311 507,168 69,311 507,168 149,885 574,587 149,410 574,123 Total trade and non-trade receivables (non-current and current) 49,653,297 36,681,080 23,896,583 16,866,153 Add: Amount due from subsidiaries - - 126,352,413 122,309,571 Add: Islamic fixed deposits with licensed banks 55,356,398 40,503,678 55,317,256 40,465,247 Add: Cash and bank balances 40,774,756 49,337,838 22,979,202 29,809,806 Less: Prepayments (69,311) (507,168) (69,311) (507,168) Total financial assets at amortised cost (debt instruments) 145,715,140 126,015,428 228,476,143 208,943,609 (a) Trade receivables Trade receivables comprise rental receivable from lessees and unbilled rental income. Unbilled rental income consist of unbilled incremental lease rental receivable from Pasir Gudang Specialist Hospital (“KPJ Batu Pahat”). The lease rental receivables from KPJ Batu Pahat is incremental by 10% every 3 years from the commencement date up to the term of 30 years. This rental income is recognised on straightline basis over the lease term of 30 years. The credit period granted by the Group and the Fund on rental receivable from lessees ranges from 1 to 7 days (2021: 1 to 7 days). 175 1. Corporate Overview 3. Strategic Performance 5. Governance Structure 2. The Driving Forces 4. Sustainability Statement 6. Financial Reports