Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

TRADING PERFORMANCE 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TRADING SUMMARY Closing Unit Price (RM) 1.31 1.32 1.31 1.16 1.22 52-week Highest Traded Price (RM) 1.41 1.55 1.42 1.37 1.25 52-week Lowest Traded Price (RM) 1.08 1.27 1.19 1.09 1.09 Price Movement (%) (8.4) 0.8 (0.8) (11.5) 5.17 Annual Total Return (%) (2.51) 6.63 4.44 (4.73) 11.81 Number of Units in Circulation (’000) 735,985 735,985 735,985 735,985 756,486 Market Capitalisation (RM’000) 964,140 971,500 964,140 853,743 922,913 MARKET CAPITALISATION, UNIT PRICE AND UNITS IN CIRCULATION Units in circulation (Million units) Market Capitalisation (RM million) Closing Unit Price (RM/unit) 2018 2020 2019 2021 2022 0 0 200 0.5 1.0 400 1.5 2.0 600 2.5 800 1,000 1,200 Million units/RM million 3.0 RM/unit 964 964 736 1.31 1.32 1.31 1.16 1.22 854 736 923 756 736 736 972 AL-`AQAR HEALTHCARE REIT ANNUAL REPORT 2022 14